Thursday 23 February 2017

Junior Weekly Newsletter- wk 5, 2017

Howick Primary School
 Junior Weekly Newsletter
Room 15

Lovely to meet you all at the Meet the Teacher Evening last week

Junior Splash
      1.30-2.30pm on Wednesday 1st of March
      Please check the notice for details - via email and class blogs
      We look forward to having our families join us for the afternoon
Family photos
      Thankyou so much to all who have brought them in already, keep them coming, we’d love to have everyone on the display
Ice block Fridays
      If you would like your child to have an ice block on a Friday please send $1 to your child’s teacher.
HPS Gala
      Please bring a bar of chocolate as your Gala contribution this week
Life Education permission slip and payment
      please could your child return their permission slip and payment as soon as possible to their class teacher
Class blogs
      Please check the child’s class blog for weekly letters and any other information.
      Click on the link :
Lloyd Elsmore Swimming for Yr3s
      Please return your child’s permission slips to their class teacher
Mathletics and Reading Eggs
      Payment due by 3rd March    
School arriving time
      Just a reminder that children need to arrive at school at 8.30.
      Teachers are unavailable to look after children BEFORE 8.30 due to class preparation and meetings 
Reading in Y2/3
      Some children have been cross grouped for Reading which utilises resources more effectively across the Junior team
Looking Ahead: Term 1 Week 5
Monday: Lloyd Elsmore Swimming for Y3s, Swimming R13, 14, 15, 16
Wednesday: Junior Splash Day
Thursday:  Swimming day
Friday: Ice Block Day

Monday 20 February 2017

Junior Splash Letter-2017

Junior Splash 2017

Dear Parents/ Caregivers 

H.P.S. Junior Splash!

Wednesday 1st March 2017

All children wear their school uniforms to school and bring their: named togs, towel and cap in a bag. 
Please remember the rule: no cap = no swimming - Goggles are optional - 
We invite all our families to come along at 1.30, meet us on the courts outside and join us for the afternoon.

Kind regards,
The H.P.S 
Junior School Team

Tuesday 14 February 2017

HPS Gala

Saturday 25th March 2017
10 am – 2 pm

Dear wonderful Howick Primary School Families
Be part of our first gala in many years. It will be a great day of awesome fun and delicious food for all the family and community to enjoy. There will be plenty of stalls and activities for everyone including food baskets, white elephant, clothing, books, gift baskets, plants, mystery envelopes, games, a Christmas grotto, tombola, rapid fire and silent auctions.
The event is being school lead by the senior management team. The Board is fully committed to putting the proceeds of the Gala towards student resources in every year group. – technology equipment, junior playground, resources to support learning.
Staff and students will be asked to help prepare/set up and run their class assigned stall /activity. As this is a school event that is being held in the weekend, there will be a day off in lieu on Friday March 31st. We are very grateful to Howick College who are providing us some students to volunteer on the day.
Gala Committee
Planning is well under way and we have a fantastic Gala Committee team. New members are always welcome. We will be meeting in the School Board room from 7pm – 8pm on the following dates...
Monday 20th February    Week 4
Monday 27th February    Week 5
Monday 13th March        Week 7
Monday 20th March        Week 8

Gala Updates
All the latest Gala news will be in the weekly newsletters which will be available of the school website.
If you have any questions, please call the school office and they will direct you to the right person Ph 534 6082.
Donated Goods or Services
We are seeking donations, donated goods, experiences (Bach/sport/travel etc) or vouchers. If you can help, please call Lisa Fullford 0274 785 007

Gala Day Leadup
We would appreciate it if each family (not per child) could contribute to the fabulous food hampers. A Gala collection box will be in each classroom. Items can be delivered per week or all at once if that is more convenient for you.

Week 3     13 - 17 Feb          Bag of wrapped chocolate lollies
Week 4     20 - 24 Feb         Bottle or jar of dressing/cordial/chutney
Week 5     27 Feb – 3 March  Chocolate Bar
Week 6      6 – 10 March       Canned item
Week 7      13 -17 March              Bottled Item
Week 8      20 -24 March      Jolly Jars (Jars filled with small items suitable for
                                    girls or boys such as small toys, rubbers etc)
Other ways you can help
Donated items
These can be dropped off to the school office every Monday morning – closer to the time, there will be more dates
               We respectfully ask that all donated items are new or near new
Here are some suggestions, but not limited to…

White Elephant - Pictures, furniture, glassware, household items, sports and camping equipment
Items must be clean and in good working order. We cannot accept electrical goods
or any items that can’t fit into a car
Clothing - Adult / child, fancy dress / dress up, linen, shoes, handbags, belts, accessories and jewellery 
Books and Games
Parent help
During the upcoming newsletters, we will keep you updated as to what help is required. There will be plenty of sorting and wrapping of food hampers and gift baskets to be done. There will be a parent roster but it will be kept to only one hour per family for set up on Friday 24th March or for on Gala Day.

We look forward to a fantastic Gala! Thank you in advance for your help and donated goods.

Thanks from the Gala Committee