Tuesday 31 January 2017

Junior Team Letter- 2017

           Thursday 2nd  February 2017

     Dear Parents and Caregivers,
     The Junior School Team would like to welcome all our new families to HPS and say “welcome back” to our existing families.  The whole team are really excited about the year ahead. 

This year the Junior Team at HPS has some teachers returning, some ex-Middle School teachers joining us and some brand new teachers. 

Room 9 = Mrs Fiona Blest
        Room 10 = Mrs Michelle Wyatt
               Room 12 = Miss Samantha Jonson
                                         Room 13 = Miss Alison Wood and Mrs Katy Currie
          Room 14 = Mrs Kristen Oliphant
     Room 15 = Mrs Anita Munshi
    Room 16 = Mrs April Hobby
      Our topics this term are:

English: Reading skills, Handwriting, Recounts, Flow Charts, Diagrams, Checklists
Mathematics: Statistics and Number
     Concept Study #1: Learning Focused Relationships – learning about each other and building a classroom community
Concept Study #2: – Movement
Physical Education: Aquatics
E-Learning: Class Blogs




-  As of week 3, all Junior children will have a reader Monday-Thursday and a poem each Friday     for children in Y0-2 from week 1.  Year 3s are expected to read library books or other books of their choice.
- Please hear them read each night as this is essential for their reading development. 
-    This reader is not intended to be difficult.  It is intended to be read by your child independently,
   increasing their confidence and pleasure in reading, and encouraging them to want to read. 
- Please sign and comment in their reading logs and return it, and each reading book, daily. 
- Reading logs are marked on Fridays. 
   - For children who speak more than one language, we encourage them to read books in their first
  language as well as in English. 

        Notes regarding home readers:

   *  The Reading log contains a wealth of helpful information to support you in assisting your child to read. 
    * Asking your child to retell the story in their own words or asking questions about your child’s story helps
   to aid and develop comprehension.
*  Discussing new words is a great tool to help extend your child’s vocabulary.
     *  Be patient if children make errors.  Resist jumping in and correcting them.  Give your child a chance to
    think about the word before you try to help. Ask them to “Try that again”.
*  Share your child’s story if it is long.  Reading a page each can be a good technique.
Reading should be an enjoyable experience so offer plenty of praise!


- We use a variety of approaches and the children will be utilising a range of resources. 
- We are keen to build your child’s knowledge of numbers to 5, then 10, then 20, then 100 and beyond.
- We will also help the children extend the range of strategies they can use to problem solve.  



- At HPS we write daily. 
- On Mondays we usually write a recount of what we did at the weekend.
- We also write about our current topic of study, a particular writing unit or our experiences.
-    Children are encouraged to try their own spelling by sounding out the initial and end sounds of a word.
    - We model different styles of writing, including punctuation, grammar and spelling techniques.
-  We value all children’s attempts and encourage a very high standard in writing/letter formation. 
- Handwriting focuses on correct formation of letters and pencil grip.
-  At HPS we use Casey The Caterpillar framework and you can see these up on the walls in our classes.



         1 . Reading - A reader will come home on Mondays–Thursdays and a poem each Friday for Year 0-2.

2. Fast Words - Each week your child will bring home 5 fast words on a Monday to practice  reading and recognising instantly, until they have finished all the fast words. This helps your      child to build a bank of words that they can recognise without having to figure out the word.This makes their reading less ‘work’ and gives a sense of early achievement.  A certificate will be awarded when a child has learnt all their fast words.

General Information




- The first term is our Aquatics term and our swimming program involves all children. 
         -  As this is part of the PE curriculum, please send a note if your child is unable to swim for a day. 
         - Please name your child’s togs, towel and cap and send them in a named bag for ease of identification!
- Swimming caps are compulsory and can be bought from the school office.
- Goggles are an optional extra.



- All books are to be returned to school weekly in your child’s book bag. 
- At HPS we operate a no book bag, no library books policy.
- Room 15’s Library day is Friday.

     News Day

All children will have an opportunity to share some news in front of the class on a Friday.
Or could have a group of chn bringing news each day so there are 3 or 4 chn per day sharing and the rest being the audience - with question time -
Some ideas for news topics are: family outing, holiday, newspaper article, photo, favourite book, homemade craft, science/nature object, insect, pet, painting, poster, sports or cultural activity etc. Please remember to check with your child’s teacher first if you are bringing an animal or something special.
Toys are not to be brought to school for news or any other time. 

-    At HPS we are proud of our uniform and expect the uniform code to be adhered to at all times. 
-   Items such as tattoos, wrist/ankle bands, nail polish and non-uniform jumpers are not allowed.
-   No other items of clothing are to be visible under the uniform.  We appreciate your support with this. 
- Please name all clothing and hats (including underwear while swimming).
- Hats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4.

      Morning Tea  and Lunch
- At HPS we have embraced the Education for Sustainability (EfS) ethos. 
- This means we encourage both healthy lunches as well as litter-less lunches. 
- Please do think carefully about the contents of your child’s lunch and limit high sugar items including muesli bars.  What your child eats for lunch and morning tea has a direct affect on their learning particularly the length of time they are able to maintain concentration.
- Water only please for children’s drink bottles and we have water fountains available. 
- At lunch time there is a 10 minute eating time bell to help your child focus on eating their food before children will be released to play. 

- Milk is available daily at school. 
- Please let your child’s teacher know if you DO NOT want your child to have this.

     Parent Help
- We always appreciate having parent help in our classrooms. 
                          -This can involve anything from sharpening pencils, gluing, etc to listening and hearing children read.  
- If you have any time available please see me.

- Please contact the school office 534-6082 or email 
m.ammonds-smith@howickprimary.school.nz to notify us if your child is sick or absent.

     Online Learning, extra trips and events

- You will receive a notice about each upcoming trip or event and can pay for them at that time.
- Payments can be made at the office or given, along with permission slips, to your child’s teacher.
- All children use ‘Reading Eggs’ and ‘Mathletics’ online programmes costing $35 per year.  Payment for these need to made by week 5 of term 1 this year.

   If there is anything else you’d like to discuss, please feel free to pop in and see me, or if you’d prefer, make an appointment.  Emailing me is also another good way to communicate. I am available to speak to parents about any matter they feel is important for the happiness and      education of their child. So, if you would like to a catch me for a chat, I am usually available in class from 8:30-8.50am in the morning or after school if you want to drop in.  

Thank you for your continued support,
Anita Munshi

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